Marvel Cinematic Universe Unlimited Wiki


Before George Tarleton was made into M.O.D.O.K., by Advanced Idea Mechanics, he was the Scientist Supreme following the death of Aldrich Killian. During his leadership over A.I.M., Tarleton commissioned experiments to unlock mental potential. Eventually, Tarleton became the next experiment.

After the transformation, he was to be known as M.O.D.O.C.: Mental Organism Designed Only for Computing. He quickly eliminated his competitors for leadership over A.I.M., and became their full-time commander. He was then known as M.O.D.O.K.: Mental Organism Designed Only for Conquest. As leader of A.I.M., he has had confrontations with Captain America, Iron Man, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers.

M.O.D.O.K has formed an alliance with Baron Helmut Zemo to achieve world conquest, working on many projects with the HYDRA leader to create enough super-soldiers to fill out the ranks of both their organizations.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Super-intelligence
  • Psionic Powers:
    • Telekinetic Force Blasts
    • Ability to calculate probability that borders on clairvoyance.
  • Technopathy: M.O.D.O.K. has the ability to mentally control and channel himself through technology, which he displayed when he embedded his consciousness into the Stark Industries network.
    • Consciousness Transferal: M.O.D.O.K. has the ability to transfer his consciousness to different bodies, which he did each time he created a more enhanced form to fight off against Iron Man.
  • Flight